Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Weekly Summer Season Special Express Trains 2015 between Chalisgaon and Dhule

To clear the extra rush of Passengers, Central Railway has decided to run the following Weekly Summer Special Express Trains 2015 as per the schedule below:

Weekly Summer Special Express Train 2015 from Chalisgaon Jn. to Dhule

Train No.01151
Running schedule of the Weekly Summer Special Express Train 2015 from Chalisgaon Jn. to Dhule: Train will leave Chalisgaon Jn. at 21.55 hrs. on every Monday 06/04/2015 to 29/06/2015 i.e., 06/04, 13/04, 20/04, 27/04, 04/05, 11/05, 18/05, 25/05, 01/06, 08/06, 15/06, 22/06 and 29/06/2015 (13 trips). Train will reach Dhule at 23.05 hrs. on the same day.

Weekly Summer Special Express Train 2015 from Dhule to Chalisgaon Jn

Train No. 01152
Running schedule of the Weekly Summer Special Express Train 2015 from Dhule to Chalisgaon Jn.: Train will leave Dhule at 05.20 hrs. on every Tuesday from 07/04/2015 to 30/06/2015 i.e., 07/04, 14/04, 21/04, 28/04, 05/05, 12/05, 19/05, 26/05, 02/06, 09/06, 16/06, 23/06 and 30/06/2015 (13 trips).Train will reach Chalisgaon Jn. at 06.50 hrs. on the same day.

Route of the train

The Train No. 01151 / 01152 Dhule Chalisgaon Jn.Dhule Weekly Summer Special Express Train 2015 will stop at the following stations: Jamdha and Shirud. stations in both the directions.

Composition of the Train No. 01151 / 01152 Dhule Chalisgaon Jn.Dhule Weekly Summer Special Express Train 2015: O­ne AC Chair car, two Second Class Seating, six General Second Class and two General Second Class cum Guard’s Brake Vans Coaches.

Booking: Booking for Train No. 01151 / 01152 is open.

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